A newly expanded board of directors achieved substantive results in both business planning and board development in a two-day meeting with bi-lingual, Spanish – English facilitation held in New York City.
A bi-national, Mexican-US, cultural foundation was convening the first meeting of the newly expanded board of directors with participants attending from both sides of the border. They contacted Strategies for Change Now for bi-lingual meeting facilitation and strategic planning. Through a series of preparatory conversations with both staff and board members, meeting goals were further defined to include setting the direction and strategic priorities for both programming and board development. At the conclusion of their two day meeting, they had built a shared understanding of the history, vision and broad goals of their organization and established three strategic priorities driving their work as a board. In addition, they established agreements about the board structure, roles and meeting schedule. Equally as important, the retreat design supported the participants to get to know one another and build effective working relationships.