Ensure that strategy addresses key tensions in your business

The board and staff of a regional community foundation efficiently arrived at consensus about a strategy and priorities for growth based on new insights about both their business model and their… Read more.

Get perspective to increase impact

An executive in a highly successful business identified three inter-related changes necessary to help his organization meet its goals: foster greater collaboration between departments, plan for leadership succession, and build internal… Read more.

Cross-cultural learning & dealing with differences

is it hard to get a prescription for lyrica I have had the good fortune of living in Madrid for a year ending shortly in July. Traveling between Spain and the… Read more.

Increase organizational learning to adapt to new challenges

A leadership team of a national advocacy organization transformed their entire approach to their work once they recognized that the challenges their organization faced required new levels of learning and innovation. As… Read more.

Convene high impact meetings and retreats

A newly expanded board of directors achieved substantive results in both business planning and board development in a two-day meeting with bi-lingual, Spanish – English facilitation held in New York City…. Read more.

Engage employees in strategy development and innovation

Family-owned manufacturing company developed a business strategy based upon an assessment of their unique capabilities to innovate in an increasingly competitive market. This closely held family business had made significant changes… Read more.

Integrate diverse perspectives for effective action

Civil society, business and government created a shared vision for sustainable fisheries practices and alternative livelihoods on the Caribbean coast of Honduras, and have achieved significant results in more than four… Read more.

Help people focus on the pressing work at hand

A governance group fractured by misunderstandings and unresolved conflict worked through their differences and established groundwork for consensus on significant business decisions. Though this culturally and ethnically diverse board of directors… Read more.

Unleash people’s passion to make a difference

A breast cancer foundation in New York substantively increased its capacity and impact by mobilizing voluntary leadership and investing in staff. With almost ten years of steady growth, the founders realized… Read more.

Consider alternative structures to increase impact

National, social justice think tank based in New York City doubles its organizational capacity and raises its national profile by re-envisioning leadership and adopting an innovative structure. The founding executive director… Read more.